a = { #台灣股票市場價值最大,何建誠python 2330: "台積電", 2317: "鴻海", 2454: "聯發科", 2412: '中華電'} print(a) print("用迴圈印出所有值") for t in a: print(a[t] +" 用get()方法 " + a.get(t)) a.update({1108:"幸福"}) print(a) a.popitem() print(a) a.update({6505:"台塑化"}) a.update({2308:"台達電"}) print(a.keys()) print("練習values方法") print(a.values()) print("練習items方法") print(a.items())
Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on dictionaries.Method方法 | Description說明 |
clear() | 移除字典的Removes all the elements項目(items) from the dictionary |
copy() | Returns a copy of the dictionary |
fromkeys() | Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and value |
get() | Returns the value of the specified key |
items() | Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair |
keys() | Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys |
pop() | 移除某個項目Removes the element with the specified key |
popitem() | 移除最後一個Removes the last inserted key-value pair |
setdefault() | Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist: insert the key, with the specified value |
update() | 加入新項目Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs |
values() | Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary |
a = { #台灣股票市場價值最大,何建誠python 2330: "台積電", 2317: "鴻海", 2454: "聯發科", 2412: '中華電'} print(a) print("用迴圈印出所有值") for t in a: print(a[t] +" 用get()方法 " + a.get(t)) a.update({1108:"幸福"}) print(a) a.popitem() print(a) a.update({6505:"台塑化"}) a.update({2308:"台達電"}) print(a.keys()) print("練習values方法") print(a.values()) print("練習items方法") print(a.items())
Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on dictionaries.Method方法 | Description說明 |
clear() | 移除字典的Removes all the elements項目(items) from the dictionary |
copy() | Returns a copy of the dictionary |
fromkeys() | Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and value |
get() | Returns the value of the specified key |
items() | Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair |
keys() | Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys |
pop() | 移除某個項目Removes the element with the specified key |
popitem() | 移除最後一個Removes the last inserted key-value pair |
setdefault() | Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist: insert the key, with the specified value |
update() | 加入新項目Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs |
values() | Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary |